Caesar Creek Lake Wildlife Area
Caesar Creek Lake Wildlife Area is located in southwestern Ohio, at the junction of Clinton, Greene, and Warren counties. State Route 73 bisects the reservoir and crosses Corwin-New Burlington Road which provides access to the wildlife area from the south. Lumberton-New Burlington and Mound Roads reach the area from the southeast. In Greene County, Cemetery, Roxanna-New Burlington, and St. Rt. 380 provide access from the north and west. Clarksville and Oregonia Roads provide access from the south. The 3,100-acre wildlife area lies scattered at Caesar Creek Lake, a flood control reservoir operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In summer, the reservoir is normally 2,830 acres. During periods of heavy rainfall, the reservoir covers portions of the normally dry wildlife area. Caesar Creek State Park, 7,086 acres, is on both sides of the reservoir. Meadow and grain crops cover about 50 percent of the wildlife area and woodlands make up about 40 percent. The remainder is reverting fields--a mixture of shrubs, small trees, grasses, and forbs.