Cemex Reserve

1100 Sanctuary Drive
Fairborn, OH 45324
(937) 562-6440
Most of us have a pretty clear picture of our dream homes. For some, it’s an estate among rolling hills. For others, a smart and efficient bungalow downsized and decorated for pure relaxation. If you were a great egret or a blue heron, your dream home would likely be a place just like Cemex Reserve – marshes with delicious fish, a wet prairie for maintaining cover, meadows, and shrubs for raising a family – perfect. Cemex Reserve, in Fairborn, is the beautiful wetlands that may not have been. Donated by Cemex Corporation, funded by a grant from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and supported by the Beavercreek Wetlands Association and Wright State, Cemex Reserve is an amazing dream home for all sorts of wildlife.