Von Maur
100 Magnolia Lane
Beavercreek, OH 45440
(937) 431-8880
Von Maur creates an enjoyable and unique shopping experience through its wide selection of brand-name merchandise, its open and attractive store design, amenities that enhance customer convenience and comfort, and its commitment to customer service. In 1872, the von Maur family opened its first store in a 20 x 50 foot rented storefront in Davenport, Iowa. Today, Von Maur has grown to a 22 location chain with department stores in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska and Ohio that range in size from 42,000 to 203,000 square feet. Von Maur's success is the result of our great emphasis on quality, value, selection and service. We believe our commitment to customer service, attractive and spacious shopping environments and outstanding selection differentiates us from our competitors.