Come Color Outside The Lines...
in Greene County, Ohio
Rare is the destination that provides activities at every turn, and yet, never hems you in. In the rolling hills east of Dayton, between Cincinnati and Columbus, is a destination so free with itself, it defies conventional definitions. A diverse mix of attitudes and adjectives, Greene County means laid-back, creative, friendly, beautiful, agricultural, energy, flight, freedom, tradition, and spirit. And while it may have a structured side, it’s never routine. Amongst main streets and meadows, there is space enough to move outside routine. Summon the child-like joy of discovering something new and unexpected. Get outside the limits of the city to a place that inspires creativity at every turn…Greene County.
There's so much to see in Greene County
National Afro-American Museum & Cultural Center
Visit the NAAMCC and experience the powerful new art exhibit entitled "How I Got Over"
Read MoreMiami Valley Bike Trails
More than 340 miles of paved, interconnected trails stretch across ten counties surrounding the Dayton region
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